Weekly SC3L Workshops

Statistical Cross-disciplinary Collaboration & Consulting Lab



Workshop Resources


SC3L email: stathelp@unl.edu

Reka Howard, Director of Consulting: rekahoward@unl.edu

Workshop GitHub: https://github.com/StatHelpUNL/Workshop_25Spring


SC3L Logo

Looking to brush up on your statistical skills or learn something new?

Join us for workshops held by the Statistics Consulting Lab (SC3L) this spring semester! We're offering weekly seminars on a variety of statistical techniques designed for all levels - no prior background in statistics needed!

Each session is standalone, so if you miss one you can always catch the next!

Workshops are held Wednesdays and Thursdays, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM on **East Campus.

**Please see the below schedule for location updates!

Whether you're new to the topic or want to dive deeper, our workshops are perfect for expanding your knowledge at your own pace.

*Please bring a laptop to use in the workshops.

Check out our full workshop schedule and topics below!

*To be able to participate in these workshops, you need to have R and SAS on your machines. 

Download R Studio HERE

Create account/Login to SAS on Demand HERE

Workshop Schedule

January 29 - 30

Topic: Introduction to R

***LOCATION UPDATES: Wednesday (1/29) workshop will be located in KEIM 262. Thursday (1/30) workshop will be located in Chase Hall 148.



February 5 - 6

Topic: Introduction to SAS

Wednesday (2/5): Food Industry Complex (FOOD) 42

Thursday (2/6): Chase Hall 148


February 12 - 13

Topic: Data Organization for Research using R

Wednesday (2/12): Food Industry Complex (FOOD) 42

Thursday (2/13): Chase Hall 148


February 19 - 20

Topic: Hypothesis testing, T-tests, and application in R and SAS

Wednesday (2/19): Food Industry Complex (FOOD) 42

Thursday (2/20): Chase Hall 148


February 26 - 27

Topic: Visualization in R

Wednesday (2/26): Food Industry Complex (FOOD) 42

Thursday (2/27): Chase Hall 148


March 5 - 6

Topic: Design of Experiments, One-way ANOVA, and examples in SAS

Wednesday (3/5): Food Industry Complex (FOOD) 42

Thursday (3/6): Chase Hall 148


March 12 - 13

Topic: Design of Experiments, One-way ANOVA, and examples in R

Wednesday (3/12): Food Industry Complex (FOOD) 42

Thursday (3/13): Chase Hall 148


March 26 - 27

Topic: Design of Experiments, Two-way ANOVA, and examples in SAS

Wednesday (3/26): Food Industry Complex (FOOD) 42

Thursday (3/27): Chase Hall 148


April 2 - 3

Topic: Design of Experiments, Two-way ANOVA, and examples in R

Wednesday (4/2): Food Industry Complex (FOOD) 42

Thursday (4/3): Chase Hall 148


April 9 - 10

Topic: Power analysis and examples in SAS

Wednesday (4/9): Food Industry Complex (FOOD) 42

Thursday (4/10: Chase Hall 148


April 16 - 17

Topic: Multivariate analyses using R

Wednesday (4/16): Food Industry Complex (FOOD) 42

Thursday (4/17): Chase Hall 148


April 23 - 24

Topic: Machine learning techniques I and application in R

Wednesday (4/23): Food Industry Complex (FOOD) 42

Thursday (4/24): Chase Hall 148


April 30 - May 1

Topic: Machine learning techniques II an application in R

Wednesday (4/30): Food Industry Complex (FOOD) 42

Thursday (5/1): Chase Hall 148


May 7 - 8

Topic: What can I do with non-normal data? Examples in SAS and R

Wednesday (5/7): Food Industry Complex (FOOD) 42

Thursday (5/8): Chase Hall 148


If you have any questions about the workshops or about SC3L please email stathelp@unl.edu!

campus photo