Jennifer L Clarke

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Jennifer L Clarke

Professor Director of Quantitative Life Science Initiative University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Lincoln NE 68583-0854
402-472-2512 On-campus 2-2512

Other Activities: Director of the Quantitative Life Science Initiative. Dr. Clarke works with the Associate Vice Chancellor for the Life Sciences to enable and integrate 'big data' sciences at UNL and across the University of Nebraska system.

Research Area: Dr. Clarke's research interests encompass statistical methodology (with an emphasis on high dimensional and predictive methods), statistical computation, bioinformatics/computational biology, multi-type data analysis, data mining/machine learning, and bacterial genomics/metagenomics (gut function initiative).

Five Selected Publications:

Penas, C. , Maloof, M. , Stathias, V. , Long, J., Tan, S.-K., Mier, S., Fan, Y., Valdes, C., Rodriguez- Blanco, J., Chiang, C.M., Robbins, D., Liebl, D., Lee, J., Hatten, M., Clarke, J., and Ayad, N. Time-series Modeling of Cell Cycle Exit Identifies Brd4-dependent Regulation of Cerebellar Neurogenesis. Nature Communications, 2019, 10: 3028.

Dobra, A. , Valdes, C. , Ajdic, D., Clarke, B., and Clarke, J. Assessing Statistical Dependence within Microbial Communities with Clique Log-Linear Models. Annals of Applied Statistics, 2019, 13(2): 931-957.

Amiri, S., Clarke, B., Clarke, J., and Koepke, H. A general hybrid clustering technique. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2019, 28: 541-444.

Xu, Z., Valdes, C., and Clarke, J. Existing and Potential Statistical and Computational Approaches for the Analysis of 3D CT Images of Plant Roots. Special Issue of Agronomy on Precision Phenotyping in Plant Breeding, 2018; 8 (5), 71.

Clarke, J., Penas, C., Pastori, C., Komator, R., Bregy, A., Shah, A., Wahlestedt, C., and Ayad N. Epigenetic pathways and glioblastoma treatment. Epigenetics, 8 (8), 2013.DOI: 10.4161/epi.25440