Ph.D. in Statistics



The goal of the Statistics Ph.D. program is to train students to conduct original methodological and/or theoretical research in statistics and to apply advanced statistical methods to scientific problems. Students are expected to take advanced graduate classes in the theory and applications of statistics and other relevant classes. The Ph.D. program requires a Qualifying Exam, a Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam and a Final Oral Exam. The Ph.D. requires 90 hours of graduate credit, including a dissertation. At least 45 hours must be completed at UNL after the filing of the program of studies, which must be approved by the student’s Ph.D. graduate committee. The Ph.D. program will normally include at least 12 hours and at most 55 hours of dissertation research. In addition, there are specific course requirements.

Requirements for the Ph.D. Degree

The Ph.D. Qualifying Exam

Entrance into the Department's Ph.D. program is partially determined by the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam. The exam is a written exam over the MS core course that assesses preparedness for the Ph.D. program. Students are allowed to take the exam if they have a GPA of at least 3.5 in their MS and Ph.D. core courses taken, where a grade of B- or higher is needed in each course as well. This test is given in early January and in late May each year. Pass/No Pass grades for the exam are assigned by the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Committee. Students have two attempts to receive a Pass grade; a third attempt can be granted by a majority vote of the Department’s faculty if extreme circumstances prevented a student from achieving a Pass. The Exam Committee will inform the student of his/her exam result within two weeks from the last day of the exam.

Core Courses

At least 90-credit hours for a Ph.D. degree. Most students will use their M.S. degree credit hours earned (from UNL or another university) to account for approximately 1/3 of these hours. A typical Ph.D. program will also include dissertation hours (STAT 999) for approximately 1/3 of these hours. 

Students are required to complete the following core courses (final grade of B- or higher):

  • STAT 950: Computational Statistics
  • STAT 980: Advanced Probability Theory I
  • STAT 982: Advanced Inference
  • STAT 983: Statistical Learning
  • **STAT 984: Asymptotics & Applications

** Students may take STAT 981 in place of STAT 984

Students not obtaining the necessary grade level in any core course may need to re-take it. A student’s Supervisory Committee makes this decision. Six additional credit hours from 900-level elective courses are required as well, excluding STAT 997, STAT 999. 

Finding a Faculty Advisor & Forming a Supervisory Committee

Full acceptance into the Department’s Ph.D. program requires that the student choose a faculty advisor (or a temporary sponsor) and form a Ph.D. Supervisory Committee within one month after passing the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam. The student's advisor will chair the Supervisory Committee and direct the dissertation.

*Please note: Full acceptance into the Department’s Ph.D. program does not guarantee funding by the university.

Graduate Handbook

See the Graduate Handbook for more information about the Ph.D. Program.

PhD Course Plan

Year 1

Fall (Semester 1): 10 credits
Spring (Semester 2): 9 credits
STAT 810: Alpha SeminarSTAT 822: Statistical Methods II
STAT 821: Statistical Methods ISTAT 883: Mathemathical Statistics II
STAT 850: Computing ToolsElective
STAT 882: Mathematical Statistics IForm supervisory committee (MS)
*STAT 892: TA Prep 

*Required for all Teaching Assistants (TA) only

Year 2

Fall (Semester 3): 9 credits
Spring (Semester 4): 9 credits
STAT 823: Statistical Methods IIIElective
STAT 825: Principles of Statistical ConsultingPhD Qualifying Exam: January or May

Year 3

Fall (Semester 5): 9 credits
Spring (Semester 6): 9 credits
STAT 950: Computational StatisticsSTAT 980: Advanced Probability Theory I
**STAT 984: Asymptotics & ApplicationsSTAT 900-level course
Form supervisory committee (PhD) 

**May take STAT 981 in place of STAT 984

Year 4

Fall (Semester 7): 9 credits
Spring (Semester 8): 9 credits
STAT 982: Advanced InferenceSTAT 983: Statistical Learning
STAT 900-level courseSTAT 999: Dissertation Research
STAT 999: Dissertation ResearchElective
 PhD Comp Exam

Year 5

Fall (Semester 9): 9 credits
Spring (Semester 10): 8 credits 
STAT 999: Dissertation ResearchSTAT 999: Dissertation Research
ElectiveFinal Oral Exam

Ph.D. Program Timeline

  1. Admission

    Student is admitted "provisionally" into the PhD program and starts by taking the core MS courses.

  2. PhD Qualifying Exam

    Student takes PhD Qualifying Exam in their 4th semester (Spring) after completing MS-level core courses. PhD Qualifying Exam is a written exam over the MS core courses that assess preparedness for the PhD Program.

    Once the student receives a Pass grade for the exam, they are fully accepted into the PhD program and are able to form their PhD Supervisory Committee.

    *Students who originally applied for a terminal MS degree, but upon passing the Qualifying Exam want to continue towards a PhD, must create a new application for PhD program and reapply. 

  3. Forming a Supervisory Committee

    After a student has passed the Qualifying Exam, but before they have completed 45 credit hours (half of coursework), the student forms a supervisory committee and selects a Faculty advisor who will chair the Committee. The Office of Graduate Studies requires the student to turn in the Appointment of Supervisory Committee form, listing the student's Committee members and signed by the Department Graduate Program Chair and the Dean of Graduate Studies.

  4. Program of Studies

    Before the student has completed 45 credit hours (half of coursework), the Office of Graduate Studies requires the student to turn in a Program of Studies form. This form is completed with the advice and consent of the student's Supervisory Committee. The form is signed by the student's Supervisory Committee Chair, the Department Graduate Chair, and the Dean of Graduate Studies.

  5. PhD Comprehensive Exam

    The PhD Comprehensive Exam invoices a dissertation proposal that is presented in an open forum. This is followed by an oral defense conducted by the student's Supervisory Committee. This Committee will give a Pass/Fail grade. A portion of the exam needs to be in a written format to satisfy the requirements for the Office of Graduate Studies.

    Once the student passes the Comprehensive Exam, the student must file the Admission to Candidacy form with the Graduate Studies Office. This form must be filed no later than 7 months prior to graduation.

  6. Final Oral Exam

    The final Oral Exam is a dissertation defense. For this exam, students present their dissertation research to the University in an open forum. This is followed by a final oral defense conducted by the student's Supervisory Committee. This committee gives a Pass/Fail grade.

Stay On Track!

Follow the Doctoral Degree Steps to Completion from the Office of Graduate Studies