Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Is the GRE required for my application? 
    Starting Academic Year 2025-2026 the GRE is not a requirement for your application. If you've taken the GRE, you are still welcome to submit your scores and include them in your application. The University code for sending GRE scores is 6877. 

  2. What is UNL’s code TOEFL scores? 
    The university code for sending TOEFL scores is 6877. The Department of Statistics doesn’t have a separate code. 

  3. If my TOEFL scores are older than two years, can I submit them? 
    No, we require TOEFL scores less than two years old. 

  4. Will you accept photocopies of TOEFL scores? 
    The Department of Statistics will accept photocopies, but Graduate Studies requires the original document. 

  5. Can my application fee be waived? 
    No, we cannot waive the application fee for any students. 

  6. How do I apply for funding? 
    You should write in your letter of intent the type of funding you’re interested in (research or teaching assistantship), and why you believe you’d be a good fit. (AS - I don’t think this is currently required, but it’s in line with other programs.) 

  7. May I work on two graduate degrees at the same time? 
    Yes, students may work on an M.S. and Ph.D at the same time. Students may not work on two M.S. degrees at the same time. 

  8. Can you send me a paper application? 
    All applications for graduate admissions are completed online. 

  9. How many international and domestic students do you accept every year? 
    We don’t have set admission quotas for new international or domestic students. We expect about 10-20 new students to enroll each year. 

  10. Should I email faculty and staff asking them to take me on as a research or teaching assistant? 
    No, students won’t be offered assistantships until after they’ve been admitted to the program. 

  11. When will my application be processed? 
    The deadline for fall applications is May 31st. To be considered for an assistantship, you should have your application completed by January 15th. 

  12. Will applications be accepted after the deadline? 
    No, late applications will not be accepted. 

  13. Can I apply for spring admission? 
    With rare exceptions we do not admit students in the spring. Before applying for spring admission, you should contact our department at The deadline for spring admissions is October 31. 

  14. If my native language is not English, is it possible to waive the TOEFL under any circumstance? 
    Yes, the TOEFL can be waived if: (1) a student has graduated from a US university, or (2) if a student has graduated from a university where English is the official language of instruction. 

  15. Can I get a joint Ph.D. in Statistics or another discipline? 
    Yes, joint Ph.D.'s in Statistics and other fields are possible. In the past, students have earned degrees in combination with Natural Resources, Animal Science, Economics, and Survey, Research, and Methodology. Click here to learn more information about our Joint Ph.D. degree options. 

  16. Do I have to declare a research interest before I arrive? 
    No. Many students have only taken 1-2 statistics courses before applying to graduate school and aren't familiar enough with statistics to find a research interest. Most students find a topic or application that really interests them during their first year. 

  17. How can I get involved in the Department of Statistics? 
    A great way to get involved is by joining the Statistics GSA! All students are welcome to join, and officer elections are held each fall. New students can get to know one another during Orientation, our annual Welcome Picnic, and by meeting in the breakroom for snacks before the Wednesday Seminars. 

  18. What kind of background should I have before I apply? 
    Students with a bachelor's degree in statistics or in mathematics with some scientific backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Students with a bachelor's degree in natural science, social science, business, or engineering are also encouraged to apply. The first-year courses do require knowledge of at least multivariate calculus and linear algebra. Students are welcome to apply if they haven't yet taken these courses but will need to take them before starting the program. 

  19. How can I decide between the M.S. and PhD program? 
    Deciding which degree to pursue is a personal choice. You should think about your long-term career goals and interests. PhD graduates may go on to tenure-track faculty positions or a post-doctoral fellowship. Other PhD graduates go on to leadership roles in research labs, government and industry. Graduates with an M.S. in statistics find jobs in government, insurance, banking, finance, medical research institutions, pharmaceuticals, and other industries. Nebraska, and Omaha in particular, has high demand for our M.S. graduates. 

  20. I still have questions, who should I contact? 
    If you have questions about our graduate program or the admission process, please send us an email at