American Statistical Association
Joint Statistical Meetings
Held each August, Joint Statistical Meetings is hosted by the American Statistical Association (ASA) and sponsored by statistical associations around the world. Over 6,000 statisticians gather to present their ideas, network, and develop new research and teaching collaborations in the field. Participants come from both industry and academia, and the JSM is a wonderful opportunity for those groups to connect.

Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education
United States Conference on Teaching Statistics
The US Conference on Teaching Statistics (USCOTS), which brings together teachers of statistics and data science to exchange ideas about improving their teaching. The conference features thought-provoking keynote presentations, interactive breakout sessions, informative posters-and-beyond sessions, and exhibitor technology demonstrations.
This conference is intended for all who are interested in teaching statistics at all levels, including teachers at high schools, two-year colleges, and four-year colleges and universities. Graduate students and undergraduates who are interested in teaching are also encouraged to attend. USCOTS is an interactive experience to meet new colleagues who are united by a common desire to teach statistics and data science effectively to the next generation of citizens and data professionals.
USCOTS 2025 Iowa State
Eastern North American Region of the International Biometric Society
The Eastern North American Region of the International Biometric Society holds its annual meeting in March or April each year. This meeting focuses on statistical research with applications in areas such as pharmaceutical, agriculture, and ecology. Over 1,000 statisticians from academia and industry attend the conference annually.
ENAR Spring 2025 MeetingConference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture & Natural Resources
The Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture and Natural Resources brings together statisticians and researchers from academia, industry, and government to discuss ideas and advancements in the application of statistics to solve agricultural and biological problems. This is a three-day conference consisting of a keynote speaker, a workshop and a series of contributed papers and poster presentations. This conference is unique in its interdisciplinary nature and also exposes students and developing scholars to new statistical research directly relevant to agriculture. We emphasize the application of statistics in solving real-life problems while highlighting agriculture and recognizing the joint effort of the statistician and the agricultural researcher. The relaxed atmosphere of this conference allows for participants to submit abstracts made jointly by the statistician and the researcher. Presentation of data sets and analyses which motivated the work shares equal importance with development of the statistical theory. Papers on either new or innovative applications of existing statistical methodologies are appropriate for presentation at this conference.
2024 Conference at Iowa StateAmerican Statistical Association
Conference on Statistical Practice
The Conference on Statistical Practice aims to bring together hundreds of statistical practitioners—including data analysts, researchers, and scientists—who engage in the application of statistics to solve real-world problems on a daily basis.
The goal of the conference is to provide participants with opportunities to learn new statistical methodologies and best practices in statistical analysis, design, consulting, and statistical programming. The conference also provides opportunities for attendees to further their career development and strengthen relationships in the statistics community. Presentations feature information relevant to a broad range of applied statisticians working in diverse settings.
CSP 2024 New Orleans
American Statistical Association
ASA Biopharmaceutical Section Regulatory-Industry Statistics Workshop
The ASA Biopharmaceutical Section Regulatory-Industry Statistics Workshop is sponsored by the ASA Biopharmaceutical Section in cooperation with the FDA Statistical Association. The conference lasts two days each year, with invited sessions co-chaired by statisticians from industry, academia, and the FDA. In addition, short courses on related topics are offered the day prior to the workshop.
2025 Workshop Rockville, MDMore Meetings
For a list of upcoming statistical conferences, including important dates and location announcements, visit ASA’s comprehensive list.