
Our Department actively participates in statistical conferences around the world! Some of the most prominent statistical conferences include:

Joint Statistical Meetings

Held each August, the Joint Meetings are sponsored by statistical associations around the world. Each year over 6,000 statisticians gather to present their ideas, network, and develop new research and teaching collaborations in the field. Participants come from both industry and academia, and the JSM is a wonderful opportunity for those groups to connect. Learn more.

Conference on Statistical Practice

The Conference on Statistical Practice aims to bring together hundreds of statistical professionals, including data analysts, researchers, and scientists who engage in the application of statistics to solve real-world problems on a daily basis. The conference provides opportunities to learn about the latest statistical methodologies and best practices in statistics through presentations, workshops, and short courses. Learn more.

ASA Biopharmaceutical Section FDA-Industry Statistics Workshop

Each year statisticians from industry, academia, and the FDA meet for two days to discuss new innovations in biostatistics and pharmaceutical statistics. Short courses are also available to participants. Learn more.

Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture and Natural Resources

The Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture and Natural Resources brings together statisticians and researchers from academia, industry, and government to discuss ideas and advancements in the application of statistics to solve agricultural and biological problems. This is a four-day conference consisting of a keynote speaker, a workshop, and a series of contributed papers and poster presentations. Learn more.

United States Conference on Teaching Statistics

USCOTS is designed to model good teaching in its sessions, social activities, and workshops. Plenary sessions, breakout sessions, short courses, and poster sessions are available for participants to further develop their teaching skills. Learn more.

Eastern North American Region of the International Biometric Society

The Eastern North American Region of the International Biometric Society holds its annual meeting in March or April each year. This meeting focuses on statistical research with applications in areas such as pharmaceutical, agriculture, and ecology. Over 1,000 statisticians from academia and industry attend the conference annually. ENAR Spring Meeting

For a complete list of upcoming statistical conferences, including important dates and location announcements, visit the ASA’s comprehensive list here.