About Statistics

Hardin Hall North Wing

The Department of Statistics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is located in Hardin Hall (33rd & Holdrege Streets, North wing) on the University's East Campus. The main office of the Department is located in 340 Hardin Hall on East Campus.

Department history

The Department of Statistics was formed at the university in 2003, after a merger of the Department of Biometry and the statistics division of the Department of Math and Statistics. The Department is in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

At the undergraduate level, the we offer both a major in Statistics and Data Analytics as well as a minor in Statistics. At the graduate level, we offer both M.S. and Ph.D degrees in Statistics as well as graduate level minors and joint programs. Since the Department was founded in 2003, we've seen students enjoy successful careers in academia, research, and private industry both in Nebraska and around the world!

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